Monday 19 March 2012

What Business Do Modern Day Fake Degree Mills Actually Do?

A high school diploma from the traditional schools is very expensive and requires lot of hard work and is a very time involving matter. This has created a market for fake certificates, be it bachelors or masters or PhDs. Fake Degree mills are capitalizing on the consumer desire for a more competitive career edge. It is evident that higher degrees and diplomas give a person a higher platform whether it is in his career or in social status. Not that it will be accepted everywhere ,but there are occasions where you might be able to convince a consumer that a degree based on real life experience and work experience is as valid as a college degree.

The modern day Fake diploma mills work on one of the most practical business model and the important fact is that it has been received very well by consumers. According to researches fake diploma business has a huge turn over around $500 million dollars a year. Whereas Professional online websites for online diploma give the false impression that they are as extensive and solid as any brick and mortar college in America. If you investigate in details you will find that the domain name, addresses in places like Liberia, the Virgin Islands, and the Middle East are common and expose the illusions for what they are: virtual houses of cards. There are no campuses and no faculty offices in reality. There are various diploma producing mills at your service within the US. The fake degree business can
be classified into two types.
  •  Type 1: Fake Diploma producers make no pretense of being colleges or leading consumers to believe their resumes can translate to real degrees. They sell, advertise, and fiercely market “fake,” “phony,” “bogus,” and “novelty” degrees.

  • Type 2: In comparison to that, diploma mills like several online degree providers create a fake impression of reality and authority. In this case consumers are made to believe that an evaluation essay or exam, combined with their resume, earns them an academic degree, which is not true. Thus it results into a fake degree without the knowledge of the consumer. Marketing gimmicks and misleading information draws customers to such type of fake degree businesses.

Cost of Fake Diploma:
  • In terms of expense the fake transcript cost ranges from $50 to thousands of dollars which is way less than the cost of actual degree. This reduces the huge gap between ordinary people and their dream of acquiring accolades. The fake degree provider gives you an opportunity to put a replica diploma on your wall which you always dreamt of but could not achieve because you never got to finish university.

To know more information please visit the website:

Fake Diploma WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) Warns Dealers Of Fake Degree

 Degree WatchDog ( is here to try to clean up the industry and steer potential customers away from unscrupulous “rip off” companies and online “scams”.

Fake Diploma WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) believes that most dealers of novelty degrees and diplomas have been quite fair this year with a few exception here and there. Fake Diploma WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) has found  that one particular vendor of fake diplomas degrees has been scamming it’s customers for several years now, and has managed to keep it’s name out of the highlight by threatening their unsatisfied customers with exposing their personal data if they complain, and threatening anyone who would publish their complaints.

Fake-UK-Degree WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) is has taken this vendor to task by the horns and have a full email exchange between them and the vendor. Fake Diploma WatchDog further found out that this vendor keeps changing it’s trading name as it’s wrongly gained fame catches up with them, but they are trying to make it their job to keep track of who they are and what names they are trading under so that they can keep a watch and get hold of them before further damage is done to consumers.

Fake Diploma WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) plans to conduct a more in-depth survey in the near future, where they plan to buy from as many fake diploma and fake college transcript printing companies as they can find and publish their documented findings. “Some people ask Fake Diploma WatchDog (Degree WatchDog) how they can get their money back once they have been conned by an unscrupulous replica diploma company, and unfortunately the answer is that you probably can't get your money back if you have put your trust in the wrong people, which usually happens when a buyer shops around too much and ends up buying on price alone.” quoted from the website.

To know more about fake degree sites please visit